Greetings one and all,
Once again apologies for the delay but it's been that long since I last got the chance to do any writing. This evening I managed to catch up and while still not at the target expected (25k) for this date I'm close enough considering how far I was behind. Since my last post I've worked out what I'm going to call the book once it's done and I've also managed to break the 20k mark. I was quite certain I'd manage to break the 10k mark so I didn't really see the point in bragging but I'm pleased as hell that I've passed 20k.
Having spoken with one of the other writers in this little experiment with me it seems that for one reason or another I'm pretty good at getting big chunks of work done each time I sit down to do a bit, usually between 3 and 4 thousand. It's kept me in the running so far. I'm really glad it's the case as I was starting to worry that I was going to fall to far behind and succumb to justifying quitting.
I've also asked a friend of mine to use their mad graphic design skills to put together some semblance of a book cover for me which will also be a great thing to have if only for my vanity.Once she sends it on I'll post it up here for you all to look at.
I'm optimistically hoping to hit 30k over the course of the next three days. I know it's a big target but I figure aim for the stars and all that. Overall I'm still on track though.
I'd also like to give a big shout to my boy Dave for keeping me going by always being ahead of me with the word count and I'd like to give an honorary shout out to my boy Mick for finally starting.
Word Count:22130
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