Tuesday 27 November 2012

One more day


Sorry for the lack of promised posts however as always real life got in the way.
In any case I'm in to the final week of NanoWrimo and my word count and story is slowly but surely coming up to it's conclusion. I set the task of getting 10K done over the weekend but I fell short on this target by about 4K tragically. With that in mind I sat down to get more done this evening and although I'm a thousand of the 45K target I had set myself I still feel I should hit the target later in the week.
The reason for the title of this post is down to the fact that I will be away from the computer tomorrow and Friday which will leave me Thursday evening to get the rest of the story done. Truth be told I'm reasonably confident that I can achieve this goal as I should have about six hours to get six thousand words done. Difficult, yes. Impossible no. Well I certainly hope not.
Its been fun as well to hear of the other people I've been doing this with are slowly coming towards the end of theirs and I look forward to reading over their attempts as well as sharing any war stories over the course of the month as well.

Word Count: 44,053


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